On this page you can find preliminary schedule and workshop levels. Changes on the schedule are possible. Level 2 is open level and on level 3, 4 and 5 you need WSDC points or qualification by audition. Facebook is easiest way to follow our event and possible changes.

Level 2
You have been dancing WCS for at least one year in regular classes. You know the basic rhythm and patterns, and you are comfortable leading or following.
Level 3
You have been dancing WCS regularly for 2-3 years. You have participated WCS events. You are working on placing your figures in the music and getting your own style in your dance. This level is open for those who has got WSDC novice point(s). Level 2 dancers can audition to join the workshops.
Level 4
You are probably among the most experienced WCS dancers in your scene. This level is open for those in WSDC intermediate (16 novice points or more), or subject to audition.
Level 5
Advanced and all star dancers. Level 4 dancers can audition to join the workshops.